If you have a smart phone or tablet that uses Android or IOS, then install the app (for FREE). The app is not yet available from your usual app store, so the installation instructions are as follows:-
Android devices
Tap/Click here to download the app and just follow the instructions given.
To see
step by step instructions to install the app
Tap/Click here
Iphone/Ipad & other IOS devices
Use the Safari web browser to find the Wyvernians web site then
Tap/Click here for some instructions (
but use steps 1 & 2 ONLY) - to create a bookmark in the form of an icon (button) on your
Home screen (that looks just like an app). It will take you straight to the Wyvernians website.
Instructions to remove the bookmark from your Home screen can be found
This is our first attempt at producing an app - so any feedback would be welcome. Also note the author only has direct access to Android devices (the IOS testing was undertaken by a third party).
Please use the Contact Us link from the main menu on the left to get in touch.
Whilst every care has been taken in providing this feature, we cannot be held responsible for issues arising.